Top 5 Fortnite Skins news item

Top 5 Fortnite Skins


Skins make the playing experience better because when you look better, you feel better – and when you feel better, you play better.

Although Fortnite is always presenting us with new skin updates, here are the top 5 skins that are currently worth your attention.


5. Midas

Our list begins with Midas, a character that looks like he got out of “The Peaky Blinders” TV Show. Clothed in a perfectly fitting suit and armed with golden guns, Midas is a perfect mix of deadly and classy.

This “legendary” status skin adds a certain elegance to your playing style, allowing you to look not just powerful while you’re fighting, but sophisticated as well.


4. Harley Quin

Spot number four belongs to Harley Quin, a famous DC character that has earned the love of millions of fans around the world.

Whether you prefer Batman or the Joker, you cannot stay immune to the enigmatic appearance of Harley Quin, whose charisma and beauty will only enhance your playing experience.


3. Imperial Stormtrooper

Skin number three on our list will warm the hearts of all the Fortnite players who are also fans of the Star Wars franchise.

Stormtroopers are often mocked for their lack of aiming skills in the movies, but that has nothing to do with our beloved game and does not have to stop you from pursuing being the best in every single round.


2. Lynx

The number two spot on our list goes to one of the all-time most popular Fortnite skins out there – Lynx.

Despite being “a female skin”, Lynx is popular among the guy players as well as it is with the ladies. No matter who is behind the keyboard, no one would dare to debate the esthetic effect that Lynx brings along.


1. Black Knight

The number one skin on our list is more than obvious – it’s the legendary fan-favorite, Black Knight. His fire eyes are more than enough to strike your opponents with a dose of fear, which might cloud their judgment for a second, allowing you to give the ending blow.

And even if you don’t achieve significant results in the game, you will still look cool as hell.

Every successful game needs epic-looking skins, and Fortnite does not lack in that department. Skins actually played a huge role in Fortnite’s launch to stardom, since they make the whole playing experience so much better.

No matter which one you chose, you are guaranteed to have a great time.

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