Tundra Esports news item

Tundra Esports Sweeps OG

The second week of DPC Tour 3 has started and it seems that Tundra Esports have finally gotten their sweet revenge on OG.

They demolished OG in a clean 2-0 victory as they shut down every possible way that OG might or could have tried coming back into the game thus ending OG’s seven consecutive series win giving OG their first loss since The Stockholm Major. It seems that both teams were equally matched before the match, putting into consideration their recent performances and results but turns out, Tundra is just way ahead of OG when it comes to drafting and understanding of the game. This match is proof of it.

In game 1, OG makes a surprise switch in laning as ATF and Taiga swapped roles in order for Taiga’s Enigma to farm and get more space to become stronger, putting ATF’s Void Spirit in the back pedal playing as position 4. It looked as though it was an ace up OG’s sleeves as they were leading in gold net and kills around the 18 to 20 minutes mark. That was until around 23 minutes mark that OG makes a hesitant decision which gives Tundra an opening they were looking for to start off the team-fight; Completely team wiping OG, Tundra held the map and continued to completely outplayed OG thus gaining more and more net worth lead in gold and kills eventually OG tapped out at 33 minutes.

So game 2 happens and OG would learn from their mistakes in game 1 and completely play a different game right? Completely wrong! Game 2 was a complete display of dominance from Tundra. Even though both teams drafted a bit identical to game 1, it was Tundra with a surprise pick this time with Clockwerk played by Nine at mid. 33 was absolutely fantastic on his Lycan at bot shutting down Yuragi. As soon as Nine got an orchid at 12 minutes on his mid lane Clockwrek, the game looked over for OG as Tundra completely demolished OG across the map and keeping it consistent with their momentum there seemed to be nothing that OG could do . As the first mega was achieved by Tundra at 16 minutes, OG tapped out at 17 minutes.

Due to this match, Tundra is now leading WEU DPC Tour 3 Division 1 groups with the result of 2 wins and 0 loses while OG is at the second place with the result of 1 wins and 1 loses.

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